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YFS 1/05/2010 Minutes

Members present:  
R. Allen, S. Barnes, K. Hanratty, D. Shearer, P. Viggiano, J. Welsh
Also present:
Selectman Bill Peace, Members of the Public and Recording Secretary Linda McCall
S. Cummins, B. Ruth, Z. Towne

Chairman Barnes led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Call to Order:  Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m.  

Comments from the Public: Chairman reminded all present that the Youth and Family Services Commission is an Advisory Board and then opened up the floor to Comments from the Public and asked that speakers identify themselves.  Several people made comments or asked questions.  The majority of comments by the Public centered around their expressed concern that despite assurances from the Board of Selectmen that YFS programs would remain unchanged, the coordination of the Juvenile Diversion Board had been shifted to the police.  There was also a request for clarification regarding the vacant Social Service Coordinator position.  In response to a specific question, Chairman Barnes said yes, he would consider taking additional comments from the Public during the remainder of the meeting under discussion of individual Agenda items.  He thanked the Public for their input and interest.

Review of Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 1, 2009
Reviewed the minutes of the December 1, 2009 meeting.  Viggiano made motion to approve the minutes as typed.  Allen seconded the motion.  Vote taken and the motion was unanimously approved.

Chairman’s Comments:
1. Chairman thanked Commission members for attending Director’s retirement party.  He passed around a copy of the letter that had been framed and presented to the Director from the Commission at the retirement party.

Local Prevention Council Business:
1. Update Re: Proposal for Drug Free Communities (DFC) Grant Surplus – The proposal is due to the grantor by the first Monday in February.  Administrative Assistant reported she had not yet submitted it to the First Selectman to be signed because she understood from him that she was to hold off on it for the time being.  Chairman stated he would check with the First Selectman about this.

2. Update on Student Survey - Administrative Assistant reported the 19-question Core Measures survey had been completed in November by 340 students in grades 8, 9 and 11 (an additional 4 surveys had been discounted).  She reported she is still working on putting together the comparison of this 2009 data vs. November 2007 data.  In response to questions, she reported the 2009 survey contained exactly the same questions as the 2007 survey, which had been approved as required by the DFC’s National Evaluator, Battelle, Inc.  Administrative Assistant also noted that she met the previous week with our local evaluator, which is required by the DFC grantor and budgeted for within the grant.  She also noted the data will be used to plan action steps for the coming year and will be used in the DFC Continuation Application due in February.

Old Business:
1. Agency Overview – Chairman reported that agency programs are going well.  He reported that Staff meetings have been held and that no questions about the Juvenile Diversion Board (JDB) had come up at those meetings.  Chairman further reported that JDB had started at the Police Department and had always been under the police discretion.  He gave a description about why we have a JDB and that it includes representation from the Schools, Youth and Family Services, Clergy, etc and has now been expanded to include 2 more at-large representatives.  He added that the Police Department is now doing the background gathering and setting up the appointments, which used to be done by Youth and Family Services’ Youth Coordinator.  Viggiano said there’s been a misconception that the Police Department has not been in charge of JDB.  Welsh asked for clarification – has the main change been the addition of 2 representatives and the move of the JDB clerk’s duties from Youth and Family Services to the Police Department?  Shearer asked if the Police had statistics on the impact of JDB, e.g. re: recidivism.  A member of the Public spoke and said the issue of concern for the Public seems to be the perception regarding the process in which the transfer happened – that it had not been spoken about with the staff people involved.  Chief Spera stated the Police Department takes this program very seriously; that they are the only agency that can make arrests and so are the only ones who can divert.  He also reported that this change had been planned and would have been made even if the YFS Director had not retired.  He he said his goal is to make JDB more accessible for families, e.g. families may not be able to attend daytime meetings.

2. Community Email – Chairman noted discussion at last meeting regarding use of community email and read from the minutes the specifics of that discussion.  He stated he does not think the community email should be used for sending out notices for regular Commission meetings as it had not been developed for that purpose.  He said instead we will look into doing what other town boards do and set up a subscription form for receiving Minutes and Agenda on our website.

New Business:
1. Staffing Update – Chairman reported:
* HCHY Coordinator Paula Palmieri has resigned.  Chairman asked those present to extend the Commission’s thanks to her (she was not present).  He reported that the HCHY Advisory Board would discuss the position at their next meeting.
* Clerical Assistant Susan Bell recently hired for 10 hours per week has decided to resign.  We will be looking to replace her at 10 hours per week (position originally 18 hours/week).
* Social Services Coordinator Joanne Messner retired and her position has been posted at 25 hours/week (was previously 40).  Susan Consoli has been working contractually 15-25 hours/week in this capacity on an interim basis .  There are 3 applications so far for the permanent position.  An interview committee consisting of Chairman, Paula Ferrera of the Estuary and At-Large Member Peg Viggiano has been formed.  If others would like to volunteer for the Committee, please let Chairman know.
* Director Larry Freundlich has retired and his position has been posted at 35 hours/week (was previously 40).  Applications are due by January 15th.  There are 20 applications for this position so far.  An interview committee has been formed including Chairman, Superintendent of Schools Joe Onofrio, Selectman Bill Peace, Rev. Ellendale Hoffman, At-Large Member Dorothy Shearer, Diane Aldi of the Nursing Board, YFS Counselor Joan Ziemann, Resident Steve Tagliatela, Park & Rec. Representative Ray Allen.  Applications will be reviewed the week of January 18th with interviews scheduled the week of January 25th.

Other Business:
Chairman asked for discussion regarding location of future Commission meetings.  Viggiano suggested Commission continue to hold meetings at Town Hall for the time being, at least until we have a new Director and programs are in place and set in stone to accommodate the Public.  The 2nd floor Conference Room at Town Hall is available through August.  All members agreed.

There being no further business to discuss Allen made motion to adjourn; Hanratty seconded and the meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda B. McCall
Administrative Assistant